Over the last few years, Ballard CF's Nutrition Challenges have changed lives! It is one of the our programs that our member's most look forward to when one comes around again! Historically, we have run one Challenge in the Spring, and a longer Challenge in the Fall.
Here are what people who have particpated in our past Nutrition Challenges have said:
“The weigh-in was really eye-opening. Seeing the breakdown of lean muscle v. fat really helped me not dread the number on the scale, or put as much importance on it.
“I lost the “Dad weight” that I had started thinking was just me now. I’m 39 and in the best shape of my life.”
“I PR’d six lifts during the challenge, and I was able to up my workouts to six days/week instead of four. My body just recovered SO much faster!”
“The challenge helped me to stay focused on a goal (Results!)... It makes me proud to say I haven’t weighed this little since high school!”